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PO Box 5184
Harlan, IA 51593-0684

Give Through Your Will

Giving to Young Life through your will is the easiest way to continue reaching kids for Christ after your passing, and to remove highly taxable assets from your estate.


John and Mary Smith have been involved with their local Young Life area for years. While they have regularly supported their local area with $50 a month, they have always desired to give larger gifts. After reviewing their financial situation, the Smiths decided the best way to give a larger gift was through their will. As they talked with their area director about this, they posed several questions:

  • Can we specify how and where our gift is to be used?

    Yes. The Gift Planning department can provide you with sample language for your attorney to use to outline how and where your gift is to be used.
  • Can we make a gift that will support the long-term needs of our local area?

    Yes. We can supply sample language that will allow the Young Life Foundation to manage these funds in a balanced portfolio that will ensure that the earnings of the fund are used to help meet the needs of your ministry area for years to come.
  • Do I have to share with Young Life the value of the assets I am giving?

    No. As always, we respect the privacy of our donors.
Facts About Wills
  • Without a will, the State will determine how your assets should be distributed. Many times this distribution will not be what you would have desired.
  • Because laws are always changing, wills should be reviewed by an attorney every few years to ensure they remain in compliance with the laws of that state. Wills that are outdated may be completely overturned at the time of death and all assets may be distributed by the State.
  • To add Young Life to your existing will can usually be done through a "codicil." This legal instrument generally allows for changes to a will without the cost or time of redrafting the entire document.

To receive additional information, complete the confidential online
Gift Planning Information Request Form.

For all questions on how to set up credit card gifts, electronic fund transfers, a lost receipt or any other general giving questions, call Young Life Mission Assistance at 877-438-9572.

For more information on setting up a planned gift to benefit Young Life, please contact:

Jeff Rudder
Executive Director, The Young Life Foundation
Young Life Foundation
P.O. Box 520
Colorado Springs, CO ​ ​ 80901-0520

Phone: 800-813-1945

Fax: 719-381-1740


*The information contained herein is for explanatory purposes only and is not intended to be used as tax advice. Young Life recommends that you contact a professional tax advisor who can provide you with additional information on how your participation in the above program may affect your personal tax situation.