To fill our financial pipeline with both current and estate gifts so that unreached kids all over the world can have an encounter with Jesus Christ through a week of Young Life camp.
- We have seasoned leadership with a global reach of 30,000 staff and adult volunteer leaders who don’t send kids to camp, they bring them!
- We have 23 strategically located camp properties here in the United States and we utilize many more already existing properties around the world.
- We already know more than a million kids by name worldwide!
The Campership Legacy Fund is built around six promises to investors:
- It's Strategic. We are going after first-time, unreached kids. For many, the barrier is purely financial.
- It’s Intentional. Kids are recommended for a scholarship by their leaders through a written application process.
- It Will Have Lasting Impact. Every year we will pay out 10 percent of the balance of the fund, regardless of market performance.
- It’s About Family. Twice a year we will communicate to you and to any family members you designate about our plans for the year and the results.
- It’s Well Managed and Transparent. The fund is invested conservatively by our professionals at the Young Life Foundation.
- It’s Mission Connected. You will be part of a special group of friends of the mission who are invited in on special trips, updates and mission happenings.